RTMP with HLS adaptive streaming fall-back on AWS – Part 1

hls-rtmp-jwplayer-AWS part 1

RTMP streaming is obsolete as of end December 2020 but we keep it posted as a piece of history. HLS adaptive streaming doesn’t work on IExplorer 11 in HTML5 mode as I discovered while testing my art site. But there is luckily a solution, namely RTMP with HLS adaptive streaming fall-back. That sounds a little … Read more

HLS streaming via AWS and JW Player 6

HLS streaming

HLS streaming (HTTP Live Streaming) has a couple of advantages over RTMP streaming in a sense that it can circumvent corporate firewalls and proxies and it plays on most mobile devices and desktops. RTMP streaming does not work on mobiles at all since it needs Flash, although JW Player has a HTML5 fallback method for mobiles. … Read more

Private streaming video with JW Player 7 on WordPress

NOTE: this post is retained for historical purpose only. The plugin described herein is no longer on the market since end 2019 but some of the information is still useful.  Private streaming video/audio with JW Player 7 on WordPress is now possible with S3Media Stream Enterprise 7.7.1, our WordPress plugin that works via private RTMP distributions and Web distributions on … Read more

How to Embed Streaming Video & Audio with HTML5 Fallback – using JW Player 5.6

Revised on June 2015 – JW Player 5.6 (up to version 5.10)  is a Flash video/audio player created with Adobe Flex which has the capability to switch to HTML5 fallback mode if a non Flash browser is encountered. In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to install JW Player and how to embed video … Read more

Converting video to streaming MP4 for S3 Amazon with AVS Video Converter

Some video converters do not get it right when converting video to MP4 to stream on S3 Amazon/CloudFront. Especially the cheaper converters like AVS Video Converter for Windows tend to have problems. Luckily, there is a trick to fix this problem. Here you find a video tutorial on how to get the correct settings from … Read more

S3 Cloudfront: How to setup a bucket for private streaming – revised

The information on this page is no longer relevant since RTMP streaming requires Flash, which ahs been condemned to death by the developer community. We leave this article in for history sake. To avoid problems with streaming video and audio, in particular private streaming, the way to go is to start with a fresh S3 … Read more

S3: News from the CloudFront! Private streaming video – revised

With CloudFront you can not only stream your own videos, you can make streaming videos private on top of that!  In other words, you can have paid videos on your site or membership area without the fear of copying the video. You can do the same thing with expiring URLs but private streaming has other … Read more

S3: Streaming video with CloudFront

With CloudFront, you can stream your own audio and video without using any code or installing complicated server software. CloudFront is an Amazon service which works in conjunction with your S3 Amazon account (S3 AWS). What the service basically did so far was to serve content from your S3 account to the closest server in … Read more