About Miracle Tutorials

IMG_1241 Great you want to know more about who is behind Miracle Tutorials. I’m Rudolf Boogerman and I’m a visual artist who was a freelance multimedia professional in a previous life.

Since 2003 I have helped entrepreneurs and businesses to work with multimedia on the internet and have created numerous custom video tutorials for companies and individuals all over the globe.
I also created video plugins for WordPress and Joomla, called S3Media Stream.
At some point, I actually got a little bored repeating the same tutorials over and over again, so I thought: “Why not create a site, and put all new multimedia related tutorials in there?”. Hence, Miracle Tutorials was born.

About the tutorials

The video and hands-on tutorials are meant primarily for those who want to control their own destininy, so to speak. Since audio and video is a big part of the new generation of web sites, the tutorials start from scratch, explaining every nut and bolt regarding online video- and audio and any related issues. I try to keep it simple, even if certain aspects are rather complex.

All tutorials and articles are based on personal experience, accumulated while working for reputable companies.


  • Proud citizen of Babel, a Twitter group with like minded artists.
  • Sponsor of Red Cross Ukraine to provide food and shelter for victims of war.
  • Founder of Camping Sauvage en Nettoyage, an organisation to clean up abandoned litter at the border of the river “l’Ourthe” and in forests in the Ardennes.
  • Big fan of “Healing Bridges”, founded by Zebiba, which helps women and children in Eritrea to cope with the aftermath of a devastating war.
  • Founder of “De beeldende Zusters” a group of 6 women artists in Belgium for which I organized several art exhibitions from 1993 to 1996. One of them is Inge De Belder, an internationally recognized artist and personal friend.
  • Ancient member of NICC, an organization to improve the situation of visual artists in Belgium.
  • Adviser and external observer of “Durbuy History & Art Museum”.

Rudolf Boogerman, 22 December 2007 – modified 30 July 2022
Visual artist

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