What is your real ranking in Google?

Many website owners do not realize that when they use Google, it displays a search result according to their previous search history. As a result, the listing you see is not the same as the listing everyone else sees. So, how do you know where your page actually ranks for a certain keyword? There is a neath … Read more

S3 Amazon and DreamHost: a perfect marriage

By placing all heavy files on S3 Amazon/CloudFront, you only need a lightweight solution like DreamHost for your site itself. That way you have the best of both worlds. Both services are very cheap and easy to deal with. In the past, I had my doubts regarding DreamHost (affialate link) and indeed, playing video or … Read more

S3 Cloudfront: How to setup a bucket for private streaming – revised

The information on this page is no longer relevant since RTMP streaming requires Flash, which ahs been condemned to death by the developer community. We leave this article in for history sake. To avoid problems with streaming video and audio, in particular private streaming, the way to go is to start with a fresh S3 … Read more

S3 Amazon: How to embed video in your site

You want to embed video or audio from S3 Amazon into your site?  This article tells you how to deal with the code involved to get your videos and audios up and running.  You can use this code in practically any cms or regular website. Now, for content management systems like Joomla, WordPress or Drupal, … Read more

Best wishes for 2010 !

Dear readers, I wish you all the best for this new year with its magical name two thousand and ten!
I shall be honest with you: I’m happy 2009 is over.  It was a stormy year for most people, I think.  But this year I feel there is going to be a fresh wind and the doom and gloom of last year will disperse.  For the time being, let’s celebrate at least that we survived another year 🙂

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Blogs don’t die, they go to sleep

No posts in 14 days, I should feel bad about it, but there are reasons: First, I went on vacation and directly after that, my body explained to me that the vacation wasn’t long enough, so it used a weapon I cannot resist, it went on strike. Hence, I’ve got the flu. That will happen … Read more